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Clinical Test Report

Date: {{dt | date:'dd.MM.yyyy' }}

Patient Data

Patient Name:


Date of Birth: {{dt_birth | date:'dd.MM.yyyy' }}
Sample ID:




Sample Type:


Sample Entry: {{dt_sampleentry | date:'dd.MM.yyyy' }}

Referring Physician





Clinical Indication and Medication


Test Results

Gene Variants Genotype
Gene1 *1 {{gene_1}}
Gene2 *2 {{gene_2}}
Gene3 *3 {{gene_3}}
Gene4 *4 {{gene_4}}
Gene5 *5 {{gene_5}}
Gene6 *6 {{gene_6}}
Gene7 *7 {{gene_7}}
Gene8 *8 {{gene_8}}
Gene9 *9 {{gene_9}}
Gene10 *10 {{gene_10}}
Gene11 *11 {{gene_11}}
Gene12 *12 {{gene_12}}
Gene13 *13 {{gene_13}}
Gene Variants Genotype
Gene1 *1 {{gene_1}}
Gene2 *2 {{gene_2}}
Gene3 *3 {{gene_3}}
Gene4 *4 {{gene_4}}
Gene5 *5 {{gene_5}}
Gene6 *6 {{gene_6}}
Gene7 *7 {{gene_7}}
Gene8 *8 {{gene_8}}
Gene9 *9 {{gene_9}}
Gene10 *10 {{gene_10}}
Gene11 *11 {{gene_11}}
Gene12 *12 {{gene_12}}
Gene13 *13 {{gene_13}}
Gene Variants Genotype
Gene1 *1 {{gene_1}}
Gene2 *2 {{gene_2}}
Gene3 *3 {{gene_3}}
Gene4 *4 {{gene_4}}
Gene5 *5 {{gene_5}}
Gene6 *6 {{gene_6}}
Gene7 *7 {{gene_7}}
Gene8 *8 {{gene_8}}
Gene9 *9 {{gene_9}}
Gene10 *10 {{gene_10}}
Gene11 *11 {{gene_11}}
Gene12 *12 {{gene_12}}
Gene13 *13 {{gene_13}}





Test Information and Methods

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Authorised Signatures



